Sadly I could not show 'm directly after writing these entries, as the machine I worked on at the resort did not have a cardreader. You had to wait until I got home.

Have not taken a lot of pics, only a few of other artists and their work and of Drub, Axel, Sean Platter and Gorrilla,

who were in a forum and talked about the benifits and drawbacks of making art on computers. Today they should have talked further on the plusses and minusses of art promotion on the web. An item on which I also have to say a few words, and on which the ToF-foundation could do sooo much better, when they would, like: modernise their website and let the general public in to feed information and critique directly. For starters, also they could get rid of retarded stuff, like links that have been dead for over 5 years!

I did not attend the banquet and opted for a lazy night at the resort and the cruising that remains quite vivid untill sunrise, especially around the steamroom. Indeed, the sun is out there again! Appearantly a third of the annual rain did fall down on LA in the last 2 days. Weird, looks not more then our daily dose in Delft. Well, I will keep it short and update some more tonight; I have to rush to the pool to finish my book and get some more tan before the fair restarts at noon.

It's still before midnight here, so I'll continue this entry, instead of starting up a new one.

The afternoon was pretty hot, both temp wise as well as erotically. Wore my transparent rubber to the fair, only covered up by the scottish skirt.
I know all too well how paranoid everybody is here about seeing male (and female) nudity. But inside the fair builing I could stuff the skirt into my bag again. The result was the same as last year: a lot of feeling and touching, which I still find highly pleasing.

Did not buy much art today: budget was reached yesterday. Just two prints of Axel.

One, because it reminds me of a work by Martin of A guy in the gutter next to a fire hydrant, drinking piss of a passer by. The other one of a sweet bottom with cum dripping from his hole.
Another thing that must be shown here was the modeldrawingclass:
Not one, not two but a multitude of volunteers stood in line to submit their bodies to canvas, paper or memorycards.

And I must admit I could not keep my eyes off of them either.
So I'm afraid I will just have to bother you with all these pictures too:

Hope you can swallow all this; just 2 more to go:

Also went for a swim in the municipal pool, next to the exhibition hall. Wish swimming was as cheap back home: only 2$ , that's less than half of a single bath at Sportfondsenbad Delft (where it's 5 Euro's). Also I think that if you do have aids and no money, you are much better off here then in Holland:
I saw 2 mobile dental clinics specifically for aids patients in the last few days. Also there is free testing all over the place and to top it off free housing assistence, legal assistance, food services, medicine services, councelling. Surprises me I did not find any free parties, most likely they exist too, but will not easily be very popular if they are only visited by patients. Did not come across Poz and Proud over here, but my Dutch loggers on the subject assure me they have it here. Most likely more prominent in San Frasisco then in LA.

Will get a flight back pretty early tomorrow morning, so I guess my next thing here will be to add some photographs. Thought my camera had run out of batteries, but it was only the battery compartment that came undone. Luckily not one actually fell out; I only stopped taking pix prematurely.Fortunately Larry Kephart, who I met last year and shared pix with, was around again and he promissed to send a his best images.
It was wonderful getting to meet you finally after all these years! I only wished you could have attended Folsom as well.
cartoon porn just does it for me...don't even begin to ask why....especially tom findland yummmmmmmmmmmmm
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